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by 276

The importance of e-commerce is such that indulges an increasingly pitched battle based on the distribution law.


– Such manufacturer wants to take himself online sales, while its outlets hard disagree deny this windfall.

– As another manufacturer that limits the sale of its cosmetics specific points of sale, does not mean that the general sites and marketplaces offer them for sale.

– As network shatters because it is based on national purchasing price largely incompatible with the internet.

– As another network is powered as prices vary considerably from one country to another, with a consumer whose market.

At the border of European law, e-commerce, distribution law, freedom of contract and specific legislation, the area is full of pitfalls. Regulations multiply and judges are involved. We will review this matter in constant evolution.

Speakers : 276
Dates: 24-09-2014 - 24-09-2014
Hours: 22:00:00 - 22:00:00
Place: Avenue de la Couronne 224 - 1050 Bruxelles (Bruxelles)
Website: www.ulys.net
Download: Conference program Registration form Mr Jacquemin's and Mrs Bourguignon's slides
Categories: Commerce électronique Electronic Commerce en
Tags: competition en distribution en internet en

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