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Excellence in Gaming Law

par 7849

Providing a comprehensive update of practical strategies for in-house counsel

For the first time, you have a conference at which you can learn about and update yourself on the major developments affecting the gambling industry. As an In-house Counsel you have never before had a forum to discuss your key challenges or to share your solutions with your peers. Excellence in Gaming Law allows you the opportunity to scrutinise the gaming legal landscape so that you are better equipped to advise your senior management.

Essential update on Europe: A comprehensive overview on the current legal climate so you can more effectively advise your senior management

Europe has been a hotspot for controversial legal activity in gaming for sometime. It can be a minefield trying getting to grips with the various actions taken by governments (legally or not) in the different sub-sectors of gaming. Whether, you are online or land based, this session will give you useful insight into the fundamental issues affecting your business, so you can confidently pursue an effective pan-European legal strategy.

  • What’s happening across Europe in key jurisdictions and what are the implications to your business?
  • Understanding the legalities of cross border transactions including an outline of common contract law challenges and issues within major jurisdictions
  • Update on how EU competition law affects your gaming business

    Wes Himes, Managing Director, Policy Action

    Evelyn Heffermehl, Associate, Ulys

    Wulf Hambach, Partner, Hambach & Hambach

    Quirino Mancini, Partner, SCM Partners

  • Orateurs : 7849
    Dates : 28-11-2006 - 28-11-2006
    Heures : 23:00:00 - 23:00:00
    Lieu : London (London)
    Site web :
    Télécharger : Excellence in gaming law 29 11 2006.pps
    Catégories : Jeux, Paris, Lotteries


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