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Emergency European Legal Update

par 7849

The Briefing will address:The position of the European Commission; their concerns at the national monopolies in Gambling.

Speaker: Thibault Verbiest, Ulys

Introduction – The position of the European Commission; their concerns at the national monopolies in Gambling.

Présentation of the European Commission and national gambling monopolies

The French position – analysing the significance of the French action against Bwin; the implications for foreign-based online gambling operations in France.

Presentation of the French Position

Speaker: Wulf Hambach, Hambach & Hambach

The German position ­ discussing the statements made by German state officials that foreign companies enabling German residents place online sports bets commit criminal acts, leading to possible prosecution.

Other European Jurisdictions & their risk profiles, Round-up discussion. Open panel/discussion forum

Book online

Orateurs : 7849
Dates : 04-10-2006 - 04-10-2006
Heures : 22:00:00 - 22:00:00
Lieu : London (London)
Site web :
Catégories : Jeux, Paris, Lotteries


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